iphone 6s record video

iPhones and iPads offer a born fashion to cut clips out of videos and trim them without installing whatever third-political party apps. This is useful when you want to upload or share a video — but not the unabridged video.

This characteristic is congenital into Apple's Photos app. Despite the name, the Photos app doesn't just contain photos — it contains a listing of the videos you lot've recorded on your phone or tablet. If you utilize iCloud Photo Gallery, this is synced across all your devices.

Trim Videos and Cut Clips

First, open the Photos app. If you're non sure where the icon is, y'all can swipe down somewhere on the abode screen (not at the elevation edge), blazon "Photos" and tap the "Photos" icon.

Locate the video you want to edit. It'll have a video camera icon on its thumbnail, indicating that it'southward a video and non just a photo. Tap the video thumbnail.

Tap the "Edit" button at the top-correct corner of the video to starting time editing information technology.

Touch and elevate the handles at the lesser of the screen to select the function of the video you lot want to cut. You tin can tap the "Play" push button to preview your selection and confirm information technology'due south the correct function of the video.

Subsequently yous're washed adjusting the handles and choosing the part of the clip you desire, tap "Washed".

Tap "Trim Original" if you want to permanently edit the original video file. You lot'll permanently lose the parts of the video you removed. This is ideal if you're simply editing a video you recorded and trimming out unimportant parts of the video you never desire to encounter.

Tap "Save as New Clip" if you desire to continue the original video and salvage the trimmed part of the video as a new video prune. This is ideal if you want to cut a prune out of a longer video and share it with someone else without losing that original, longer video.

Your video will at present be saved. Y ou'll be taken dorsum to the video in the Photos app — the same screen with the "Edit" button yous tapped before.

If yous'd like to share the video, you can tap the "Share" button at the lesser of the screen and select an app to share it with. For eample, this is a quick way to email the video to someone, upload it to YouTube, put it on Facebook, or send information technology over iMessage.

More than Advanced Editing

RELATED: Apply Your Mac's QuickTime App to Edit Video and Audio Files

For more advanced editing — including combining several video clips into i — yous'll need a more avant-garde video-editing application, such as Apple's iMovie. You could likewise use the Quicktime that comes with your Mac to edit videos.

Your videos are synchronized between your devices using iCloud Photo Library if you've enabled it, and so you can open the Photos application on your Mac and — if it's enabled and you'r signed in with the same iCloud account — you lot'll encounter the videos you recorded on your iPhone or iPad.

While the Photos app doesn't offer many advanced features for editing videos you've recorded, information technology's simple to trim them and create clips. You lot tin can likewise trim videos and create clips using the apps included with an Android telephone.

Image Credit: Karlis Dambrans on Flickr

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